Sporting Goods Stores
Beef Jerky is an Excellent Pick-Me-Up Snack for Sporting Good Stores When you walk into a sporting goods store, there’s a lot of interesting things to see. Of course, people go to sporting good stores in order to purchase any product that relates to their active lifestyle. If you’re a business owner, there’s plenty of opportunity to take advantage of this desire to fulfill customers’ needs. One of these is to sell food and drinks that match their lifestyle while they are browsing through sports apparel and equipment. Think energy drinks and beef jerky. Active people who are “on the go” are likely to purchase high protein, low-carb, low-fat and energy rich food and drink in your sporting good stores. It’s pretty obvious that if they see these products displayed on your shelves (especially next to the cashier area), they are likely to pick it up for purchase.
So what makes selling beef jerky products in sporting goods stores a great idea? Well, people can get tired of the usual stuff. If you’re selling energy drinks, you don’t just put the Monster brand hoping everybody is going to like and buy it. This is not going to be the case, because people have different tastes. Some would prefer Gatorade or a simple vitamin water bottle. It is important to look after the customers’ preferences and how you can provide it for them. When it comes to selling beef jerky, you have a ton of choices to give to your sporting goods store visitors. First of all, you don’t have to prove to them the fact that beef jerky is an extremely nutritious and delicious food. The only job you have to do is to sell a good variety of jerky flavors for them. As a matter of fact, you can erase the notion that jerky comes only in the generic beef flavor.
Today, you can purchase them online, by wholesale, in various meat types: buffalo, ostrich, turkey, lamb, elk, lamb, venison, chicken, bacon, and even kangaroo. They are also sold in wonderful flavors such as barbeque, teriyaki, spicy, hawaiian, and of course the original beef jerky marinade. Believe it or not, you can even order beef jerky made especially for occasions and holidays. What’s the catch? There is definitely no catch in buying beef jerky by the bulk if you know how to find the best and reputable jerky vendors. You don’t want to risk your sporting goods store’s reputation by selling sub-quality meat snacks. Do your research, calculate the costs (you can get discounts by buying them wholesale), and talk with the vendor. You might even get perks such as free shipping if you create a partnership and encourage repeat business. By promoting not only sporting apparel and equipment in your store but also healthy meat snacks and drinks, you’re doing your customers a whole lot of good, and they will love your store for it.
We have 2 Starter Packages that are perfect for Sporting Goods Stores starting at only $510:
Best Bang Starter Package
Gourmet Jerky Starter Package
So what makes selling beef jerky products in sporting goods stores a great idea? Well, people can get tired of the usual stuff. If you’re selling energy drinks, you don’t just put the Monster brand hoping everybody is going to like and buy it. This is not going to be the case, because people have different tastes. Some would prefer Gatorade or a simple vitamin water bottle. It is important to look after the customers’ preferences and how you can provide it for them. When it comes to selling beef jerky, you have a ton of choices to give to your sporting goods store visitors. First of all, you don’t have to prove to them the fact that beef jerky is an extremely nutritious and delicious food. The only job you have to do is to sell a good variety of jerky flavors for them. As a matter of fact, you can erase the notion that jerky comes only in the generic beef flavor.
Today, you can purchase them online, by wholesale, in various meat types: buffalo, ostrich, turkey, lamb, elk, lamb, venison, chicken, bacon, and even kangaroo. They are also sold in wonderful flavors such as barbeque, teriyaki, spicy, hawaiian, and of course the original beef jerky marinade. Believe it or not, you can even order beef jerky made especially for occasions and holidays. What’s the catch? There is definitely no catch in buying beef jerky by the bulk if you know how to find the best and reputable jerky vendors. You don’t want to risk your sporting goods store’s reputation by selling sub-quality meat snacks. Do your research, calculate the costs (you can get discounts by buying them wholesale), and talk with the vendor. You might even get perks such as free shipping if you create a partnership and encourage repeat business. By promoting not only sporting apparel and equipment in your store but also healthy meat snacks and drinks, you’re doing your customers a whole lot of good, and they will love your store for it.
We have 2 Starter Packages that are perfect for Sporting Goods Stores starting at only $510:
Best Bang Starter Package
Gourmet Jerky Starter Package